University of Pittsburgh at Bradford Pennsylvania,US
People are always amazed that our graphic designers are from Florida while my performing arts center is in western Pennsylvania. We searched locally for designers and went through three in a year resulting in designers that were either over-priced, disorganized or couldn’t spell. Each of them continually promised more than they could deliver.
After a season brochure came out a full month late, I decided to do a quick online national search and found The Logo Boutique in Weston, Florida, a town I never heard of before. Their fees were refreshingly reasonable, their sample artwork impressive and their response time was perfect. I gave them a try on a small ad and quickly enlisted them on three campaigns. Now they are my graphic design team for anything coming out of my office, period. is the best graphic design firm I have worked with in 30 years. I recommend them to anyone and would welcome any calls if someone would like more information.
I believe anyone that gives The Logo Boutique a try will not look any further for a graphic designer and I hope Fabianna Diaz never retires
Randy Mayes
Director of Arts Programming
Bromeley Family Theater

University of Pittsburgh at Bradford Pennsylvania,US